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Debt Prices Signal Stock Valuation Disconnects

Capital Markets / Investor Relations in Two Minutes or Less

What Corporate Debt Prices Signal About Stock Prices

Corporate debt prices represent a significant indicator of the health of the corporation and underlying stock price.

Debt trading prices can signal to investors and executives alike that a significant valuation disconnect exists in the underlying stock.

If the debt trades near par or better, and the stock trades well below $10, a significant valuation disconnect worth researching likely exists.

Improving the features of the corporate debt stack become a major catalyst for resolving the valuation disconnect and unlocking shareholder value.

Transocean ($RIG) represents a current real- life example.

The Best Scenario

The optimal valuation disconnect scenario occurs when the corporate debt trades near par value or better and the underlying equity trades at a low price, say significantly below $10.

The Transocean Situation

Currently, $RIG faces this type of situation.

A highly levered company with $7B+ in debt.

The bonds trade near par value and the equity trades well below $10 per share.

The key debate in the stock holds that excess leverage ($7B+ in debt) makes Transocean insolvent.

However, current debt pricing and recent debt refinancing seem to suggest a significant valuation disconnect exists in the stock.

Debt Refinancing as a Catalyst

$RIG recently announced a major refinancing of its debt, which improves the company’s debt stack in several ways

1.     Structure: moving from secured to unsecured debt

2.     Duration: maturity moves from 2025/2027 to 2029/2031

3.     Rate Improves: Nearly a 2% improvement at the midpoint

4.     Sizing: the refinance started at $1.5B and was upsized to $1.8B

Insolvent companies are not able to refinance 40% of their market cap at attractive rates and terms!

Key Learnings

1.     Debt prices signal a lot about stocks and significant valuation disconnects

2.     Improving debt – structure, rates, duration, et al., represents a major catalyst to unlock value

3.     Roll debt maturities when you can, before you are forced to at terms you do not like


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