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Victory Auto Wreckers and Investor Relations

What Victory Auto Wreckers Has to Do with Investor Relations

Today’s video location was Victory Auto Wreckers in Bensenville, Illinois. Anyone lived in Chicago the last 50 years knows that Victory Auto Wreckers is located at 710 E. Green in Bensenville, near O’Hare. The commercial ran on TV in Chicago since the early 1980s.

Victory Auto Wreckers illustrates two key ingredients for success resilience and persistence.

A conversation this week with one of the most successful CEOs I know, led to a great insight that success is really about persistence and continuing on despite not seeing a given result here and now.

Such persistence is the essence of anyone looking for a job, as well as Investor Relations.

Successful stock turnarounds are often a function of persistently telling the same story over and over again, over a long time period. At some point, all falls into place and the stock goes up.

Another key insight has to do with the lack of capital markets / investor relations content. There are numerous executives that really have no idea where to start to find perspective or advice on being a public company.

My hope is that the content I create makes capital markets and investor relations a more accessible topic and helps put executives and finance professionals on the right path to hire the right people to solve problems and grow their careers!

Wishing you an epic Sunday.

Always here to help with your Capital Markets, Investor Relations, and Corporate Finance needs.


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